Service Options
Our goal is to help you feel good about the care you are providing to your loved one’s gravesite.
We offer several packages to help you achieve the right balance for your situation.
We love our Seniors, and are happy to offer a 10% discount to all clients aged 65+.
Grave Care is a regional business. Our pricing is based on both the size of the headstone (i.e. a larger stone or planting on the sides and back require more plants and more time & effort) and distance (i.e. close to Boston and beyond Worcester take more time and gasoline!). We try to keep our prices reasonable for our clients, but need to keep the cost of business in mind!
We will work with you to choose the level of care you would like it to receive. Some people are looking for a simple yearly cleanup, while others prefer a monthly check-in. Our maintenance options give you the flexibility to decide what works best for you.
Most gravestones are Singles: think of a letter you receive in the mail - a "portrait" orientation. Some are Doubles: these stones are wider than they are tall - "landscape" orientation. Our pricing reflects the amount of flowers and work needed for each size. Do you have a bed that goes all the way around the stone? We will work with you on a price specific to your needs.
Please note that HMGC abides by all cemetery regulations. Some only allow planting in front of the stone, and most no longer allow bushes or trees.

$150/200 (Single/Double stone) close to Westborough
$200/250 (Single/Double stone) 30+ min drive.
• Weed, clear debris, trim any permanent plantings
• Trim/cut around markers to keep grass from overgrowing
• Rake site to remove seasonal debris (e.g. leaves)
• Trim bushes (if applicable)
• Plant seasonal flowers (flowers are included in price!)
• Fertilize, water, mulch bed
• Photograph gravesite before & after service
note: planting on back of stone extra, and depends on cemetery rules.
$55 cost to build gravesite flower bed (first time planting only)
Gravesite Garden Bed Build. ($55) This service builds the initial garden bed at the headstone. It is only for the first planting visit. Note: this service is for planting clients only.
Winter Prep Service. ($100) In late autumn, clean up the gravesite so it looks neat and tidy for the winter. This service removes spent flowers and annual plantings, then adds a fresh layer of mulch, with a final rake to remove leaves and other debris from the site.
Winter Cemetery Log Delivery. ($20 + cost of log) Select and deliver size-appropriate decorated winter cemetery log (12", 18", 24").

Over time, headstones and markers start to grow lichen, moss, mold, and other organic material (like dirt, grass clippings, bird droppings, and tree sap). While some people feel this adds to the beauty of the grave site, it grows into the pores of the stone and can cause permanent damage.
HMGC uses a combination biological stone cleaner (D/2) to kill and remove lichen and a mild cleanser (Orvus) to remove ground in dirt and other non-living organics. Because we manually clean the stone (no power washing!) with nylon brushes and lots of elbow grease, it can take 3-6 visits per stone. The cleaning should last at least 5 years - in fact, we've never had to revisit a stone because of new growth!
note: the longer the stone has remained without cleaning, the more likely it is to have permanent coloration from dirt, bird droppings, etc. While we can bring the stone to a beautiful, clean state that will delight you, stones simply can't be restored to a "new" condition.
$250 (Single or Double stone) close to Westborough
$300 (Single/Double stone) 30+ min drive.
• Trim/cut around markers to keep grass from overgrowing
• Clean stone with combination of D/2 biological cleaner, Orvus cleanser, lots of water, nylon bristle brushes, and wooden picks
• Photograph gravesite before & after service
Foot Marker
$20 per marker (must be combined with a headstone)
• Trim/cut around markers to keep grass from overgrowing
• Clean stone with combination of D/2 biological cleaner, Orvus cleanser, lots of water, nylon bristle brushes, and wooden picks
• Photograph gravesite before & after service